You'll have to fix that!
See you later. Bye.
- Hi, Hans Jørgen.
- Hello, darling.
- Hi, Maria. Long time, no see.
- He's been looking forward to it.
Lovely place...
Maria, we suggest that you
come home and settle down.
Then you could go to college
and get a diploma.
What is all this about?
It's an offer.
Why are you so fucking interested?
You don't give a shit about me.
You're only interested in your
expensive wines and raw steaks...
- I want to help.
...and my Mum's fleshy femininity!
There's only one bad thing
about my Mum. And that's me.
Am I right, or what?
Nothing would please you more
than my permanent absence.
But don't you worry.
You just carry on with your
hypocritical holidays in Barcelona -
- and symphony concerts and all.
Don't you worry!
I'll keep out of your sight!