Your father's is that mine.
And if you take a job up there...
Well, it'll shame him.
You should think about that.
Sammy, open the glove box.
There's a piece of paper on top of the pile.
Hold it on the dash, would you?
- Hey!
- Hey! Sorry about this.
That's what guest rooms are for.
Come on, honey,
I'll show you where your room is.
- Hiya.
- This is Kyle.
Wow, look at this.
All right. So all right, there's...
We're doing a little work.
How long are they staying?
I don't know. Just a little while.
No such thing, and you know it.
Oh, come on.
She's kind of girlie to be a miner.
Okay, now, what are you?
Cowboy or a cowgirl?
- I'm a cowgirl.
- No, not up there, you're not.