Hank, I need a five-minute break.
You took a coffee break an hour ago.
That's the point, Hank. She's been
drinking coffee like everyone else.
Hey, Glory, are you talking
as a union rep...
...or just butting into anybody's
business as usual?
All I'm saying is that you can
whip it out anytime, Hank.
We gotta pull the coveralls
all the way down, you know?
We start peeing in our seats...
...I don't think the next shift's
gonna be too happy about it.
You got another load to get.
So pull them up and go get it.
This down here is taconite.
That's what pays bills.
We've taken to calling this area
the Powder Room.
Catchy, don't you think?
Especially since you girls
will be the ones cleaning it.
So. So, Arlen, which one of these girls
is gonna be my bitch?
Ladies, meet Bobby Sharp.
He runs the Powder Room,
where they're short one body.
And we want a nice body. No fatties.
Give me the one on the right.