North Country

After that she kind of lost it.
When you say "lost it"?
Ranting all the time about
how we shouldn't take it anymore...

:00:55 the company wasn't protecting us,
the union wasn't protecting us.

What did she think
you needed protection from?

- Don't know.
- Did you have any problems getting along...

...with the men at the mine?
- I didn't bother them...

...they didn't bother me.
Hey, Peg! Three for a dollar.
Got change for a dollar?

You kill me. She was like:
It's what they've been talking about
on the news every day, sexual harassment.

- Hey, Sherry?
- Yeah?

- What's this one do?
- Exfoliator, 11.99.

- Oh, gee.
- All right.

- Hello?
- It's me.

Glory can't make it. She's got a bad flu.
- Oh, no, I need her here.
- I told you, Josey, she's sick.

Well, can I talk to her?
