Josey, she's not coming, all right?
What are you doing?
What I was saying was
I think we should go to Pearson.
- You know? Tell him what's going on.
- What do you get out of this?
Jeez, Peg, I'm just trying
to make things better.
Not you. I'm talking to Sherry. How much
do you get paid to sell this stuff?
Five percent of each sale.
Don't expect to get rich from me.
I'm not buying.
- What about what happened to you, Peg...?
- That's my business.
Actually, it's all of our business.
- It's happening to all of us.
- Tell you one thing...
...l'm sick of having my ass grabbed
by a bunch of old men.
Maybe you've been asking for it.
- Ever think of that?
- Up yours, Peg.
Hey, you could quit tomorrow.
Go sell your face cream.
- I need my job.
- You don't know shit about me.
I need this job just as much as you.
Okay, okay. Now, what would you
even say to Pearson?
That we've been sexually harassed?
- Honey, he'd laugh you out of his office.
- Not to mention what the guys would do.
- All that "never rat on a brother" crap.
- Yeah?
Union oath says, "Respect fellow members."
Where's our respect?
Where is it?
Come on, who's coming with me?
- What else you got there?
- A lot.
Will it get all the soot off my hands?