- I didn't want to waste your time, sir.
- Well, I appreciate that.
But it's not a waste at all.
Miss Aimes has a problem,
and we're gonna solve it.
Thank you, Mr. Pearson.
That's... That's really great.
I didn't want to forget anything,
so I wrote a couple of things down...
...on a piece of paper here.
Excuse me, Josey...
Do you mind if I call you Josey?
- No.
- I'd like to make this easier for you...
...if you don't mind.
I know what you're going to tell me.
I've been well-briefed.
Great. I just thought
that a few of these...
Please, I think you'll be
pleasantly surprised.
Well, the current union
contract requires...
...that an employee provide us
with two weeks' notice...
...before leaving his position.
However, given how obviously
emotional this has been for you...
...we're willing to do something
special in this case.
We've decided to waive
the two-week requirement...
...and allow you to tender your resignation
effective immediately.
No. I'm sorry, I'm not resigning.
- Mr. Pavich will take care of the details.
- Happy to.
I'm not quitting.
I need this job.
Well, then I suggest you spend less time
stirring up your female co-workers...
...and less time in the beds
of your married male co-workers...
...and more time trying to find ways
to improve your job performance.
Does anyone else have anything to add?
That says it.
Josey, thank you again
for making the drive down here.
Now, if you don't mind,
we have other business.