I could find a guy to take care of me.
I'm done looking to be taken care of.
I wanna take care of myself.
Take care of my kids.
You know it's happening to all of us.
Every woman up there.
But you don't give a shit, do you?
If somebody like her came to see me
back in New York with this dogshit case...
...you know what I'd do?
I'd take it.
Settle quick, pocket the contingency...
...make more money than her,
never see a courtroom.
Pearson would never settle.
- Sure he would.
- No.
It would be her word
against everybody else.
All the guys up there can't be bad,
which makes some of them witnesses.
That mine is bread and butter
for people around here.
Nobody wants to shit where they eat.
What is this place?
Like a pet cemetery or something?
Why, you got a lot of pet elk at home?
So they never picked on Glory, why?
Would you wanna
pick a fight with Glory?
No, Glory became a union rep early on.
She did some good things.
Got their respect.
Plus, she doesn't wanna
run with the herd.
- Keeps her head above the fray.
- Safety in numbers.