Oh, Jesus.
You okay?
I never did anything to this bitch.
That's right.
Now she wants to sue all of us?
You know what a class action is,
don't you?
It means it's all of them
against all of us!
That's right, this bitch wants to take...
...every single swinging dick
in this room to court.
Now, the other women have shown us
something here in the past few months.
Telling the truth for a change.
How about you? How about that, huh?
Who knew? Who knew?
How about you, ladies?
I just hope nobody's thinking
of breaking the ranks.
Okay, that's it, let's go.
We all thank Mr. Sharp and the others
for their enthusiastic comments.
Before we take the oath, are there other
brothers who want a turn at the gavel?
Yeah, I'd like a turn at the gavel.
Oh, she's really lost it now.
Get the fuck out of here!
- Get your ass home!
- I asked if any brothers would like to speak.
Bylaws say no meeting can adjourn if
a member wants to speak his or her mind.
I got your gavel right here, bitch!
I am s...
I'm still a member of this union.