North Country

Was just looking at it.
She's lying, you know.
She didn't get raped by that teacher.

She was just saying that
so she'll win her lawsuit.

It's illegal for her to say that
if it's not true.

She should go to jail.
I don't care.
She's a whore, just like everybody says.
I wonder if it's illegal to call
your own mother a whore.

- Sure sounds bad enough to be.
- She's a liar.

My father didn't die in the Army.
He's a scumbag raper.
- It's a hard truth to tell, Sammy.
- That's crap.

- I got a right.
- Yeah, you got a lot of rights...

...starting with the right to be pissed off.
In fact, you got a right to hate
the whole world right now.

I don't hate the whole world.
I just hate her.
Takes a lot of work to hate someone.
You ready to put in that kind of time?
To really hate your mom...
:51:22 gotta think over and over again
about all the things you hate about her.

She's mean to you.
Never proud of you.
Never comes to watch
your hockey games.

- Leaves you hungry, never buys you clothes.
- I'm not stupid.

- I know what you're doing.
- What's that?

I know she does all those things.
But you hate her anyway.
I hate her guts.
Well, you're lucky.
