Off the Map

... wanted to shellac it
to preserve it for all eternity.

It was a wish of vanity...
... for she'd hoped only to extend
her newfound notoriety.

But time had its way, and
within the year the face was gone...

... though something
of its anguish lingered.

From the start, my father said
it resembled not Christ but the devil.

But then later, Pinky Lee.
My mother, a hell-raiser and a cynic,
never even went and looked.

Take as long as you like,

Bo's idea of heaven,
a stroll through Kmart.

"In the process, they compiled
a long list of economic woes:

Unemployment, sagging productivity,
high interest rates...

...shrinking capital
and downright economic stagnation."

It was inescapable...
... my father's depression.
Like some fumigator's mist
filling our lungs.

It came to be the focal point
of our lives that summer.

The geological formation around
which everything was defined.

There's a hummingbird nest
by the woodshed, three eggs.
