- Why?
- Just wondering.
- Why?
- So how was the psychiatrist?
- He was a woman.
- Did you get the prescription?
- No.
- You didn't act depressed enough.
She wants to see me again
next week.
Really? Why?
Why, George?
I think she likes me.
"One night,
while we were in these tropics...
... I went out to the end of
the flying-jib boom upon some duty...
...and, having finished it,
turned round...
...and lay over the boom
for a long time...
...admiring the beauty
of the sight before me.
Being so far out from the deck...
...I could look at the ship
as a separate vessel...
...and there rose up from the water...
...supported only
by the small, black hull...
...a pyramid of canvas,
spreading out far beyond the hull...
...and towering up almost, as it
seemed in the indistinct night air...
...to the clouds. So..."
- Excuse me, is there any stew left?
There is. I'll get you some.
You want some corn bread too?
No, thank you.
Charley, stew? George?
No, thanks.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.