Excuse the crying.
I'm a damn crying machine.
That's why I drink so much water.
Won't have any fluids left in me.
You ever been depressed?
I've never not been depressed.
Never not been depressed?
Never not.
You've always been depressed.
Yes, sir.
The first time for me.
I don't know how you stand it.
Well, I guess I'm used to it.
I don't even know how I got here.
Do you know what set it off?
Oh, I guess it started
when I was 6.
Came home from school,
and my mother had hung herself.
You found her like that?
In the front hall.
It was awkward, because
I was carrying this pyramid...
...l'd made in school
out of foam core...
Well, it was like foam core.
And I opened the door
with my back...
...and essentially
walked backwards into her.
I may actually have been
depressed before that.
- You put me to shame.
- No.
- Good reason like that.
- Oh, I think I have a fever.
I am cold.
I'm freezing.