You know what's really weird?
When they send you a credit card,
it's just in a plain envelope.
You could throw it away
and not even know it was in there.
- Who?
- I feel so bad for Mr. Gibbs.
- They completely stripped his car.
- Who got a credit card?
It's sitting in the desert
like a corpse.
Like the vultures came
and pecked out the eyeballs.
- The radio, the seats...
- Arlene got a credit card?
Any news
on that psychiatrist front?
Goddamn it, Charley. Not again.
Come out. Come out, Charley, now.
Come out now. Enough.
Look, Charley, you can lock yourself
in the chicken house.
You can lock yourself
in the root cellar.
You can lock yourself
in the shed and the truck...
No, not the truck.
And not the outhouse!
Come out of the outhouse
right now!
You're being selfish, Charley.
You're sitting there
listening to me...
...being selfish and self-indulgent,
Sweetheart, I can't take this
much more.
Humility, Charley, it's what keeps you
from being humiliated.
That's where the word comes from.
Everybody gets depressed.
Why should you be above it, huh?
I'll say one thing for you,
when you take on a project...
...you give it your all.
You've never done
anything half-assed...