
We hypnotized both of you
One very fortunate thing
was that both of you were

highly receptive to hypnosis
compared to others

Isn't this fun?
One word gets you pregnant
one word gets you in love

But no matter how much you two
are receptive to hypnosis
or no matter how good
of a hypnotist Mrs. Yoo is

getting people
to fall in love isn't easy

So do you know how we did it?
Oh that?
They said the ratings are low
Your first suggestion

was to go to that restaurant
after your release

Next, to react to
the cell phone's melody

When you heard this
you were to say something

Who are you?
Do you like your clothes?
And Mido was to react
to the man

who were to say this
When she grabs your hand,

your reaction would be...
Of course...

Your gravest mistake wasn't
failing to find the answer

You can't find the right answer
if you ask the wrong questions

It's not
"Why did Woojin imprison me?"

"Why did he release me?"

Once again
why did Woojin release
Daesu after...

15 years?
