Please, sir, I want some more.
Fetch the beadle!
Mr. Limbkins.
I beg your pardon, sir.
Oliver Twist has asked for more.
For more?!
Compose yourself, Mr. Bumble,
and answer me distinctly.
Do I understand that he asked for
more after he had eaten his supper?
He did, sir.
That boy will be hanged.
"Five pounds and a b..."
When I says "whoa,"
I means "whoa"!
"Health... Healthy...
...appren... apprentice.
Five pounds."
Chimney sweeping is a nasty trade.
Young boys have been smothered
in chimneys before now.
That's because they damp the straw
afore they light it in the chimney...
...to make them come out again.
Damp straw makes smoke.
Smoke sends a boy to sleep,
and that's what he wants.
Boys is very lazy, gentlemen.
But there's nothing like a good hot
blaze to make them come out in a run.
It's humane too. Yes.
Because even if they've
stuck in the chimney...
...roasting their feet makes them
struggle to extricate theirselves.
I suppose he's fond of
chimney sweeping?