He dotes on it, Your Worship.
Very well. I will sign the indentures...
...to make him Mr...
Mr. Gamfield's apprentice.
My boy.
My boy, you look pale and alarmed.
What's the matter?
Please, sir. Please, sir.
What is it, my boy?
- Don't...
- Now then.
Don't... Don't...
Go on, my boy. Don't what?
Please don't send me away
with this dreadful man, sir.
Of all the designing orphans
that I've ever seen...
- Hold your tongue, beadle.
- Did Your Worship speak to me?
Yes, hold your tongue.
No. No, out of the question.
We refuse to sanction
these indentures.
Take the boy away.
And treat him kindly.
He seems to want it.
I've just taken the measure of
the two women that died last night.
You'll make your fortune,
Mr. Sowerberry.
Think so?
The prices allowed by the board
are very small.
So are the coffins.
By the by, you don't know anybody
who wants a boy, do you?
Liberal terms, Mr. Sowerberry.
Liberal terms.