Very violent indeed, sir.
And the missus said...
...if Mr. Bumble can spare the time...
...then Mr. Bumble's to flog him...
...because the master's out.
- In there.
- Oliver?
Let me out of here!
- Do you know this here voice, Oliver?
- Yes.
Ain't you afraid of it, sir?
Ain't you trembling
while I speak, sir?
- He must be mad.
- It's not madness, ma'am, it's meat.
- Meat?
- Meat, ma'am, meat.
You've overfed him.
If you'd kept this boy on gruel,
this would never have happened.
Dear, dear.
This comes of being liberal.
What's all this?
Oliver Twist has turned violent,
Mr. Sowerberry.
Look what he's done to my eye, sir.
Now then. Now then.
- You're a nice young fellow, ain't you?
- He called my mother names.
Well, and what if he did,
you little ungrateful wretch!
She deserved what he said
and worse.
- She didn't!
- She did!
It's a lie!
Do something, Mr. Sowerberry.
He called me a liar.
Do something!