- Is that the boy who had the fever?
- That's the boy.
Mind out!
- No sign of him, sir.
- Oh, dear, I'm very sorry for that.
I particularly wished some books
to be returned tonight.
Why not send Oliver with them?
He'll be sure to deliver them safely.
Yes, do let me take them.
If you please, sir.
I'll run all the way.
You shall go, my dear.
Ask Mrs. Bedwin
to show you the way.
- And, Oliver...
- Yes, sir?
Give the bookseller this.
The money I owe him.
I won't be long, sir.
- How long do you think it'll take him?
- You really expect him to come back?
- You don't?
- With a £5 note in his pocket?
No, I do not.
If ever that boy
returns to this house...
...I'll eat my own head, sir.
And yours.
Oh, my little brother!
- I don't believe my eyes.
- Let me go. Help!
- It's a miracle. Oh, I've found him.
- Please let me go.