Little something for your luncheon,
my dear?
Shall we have a little chat?
Shall us?
I expect you'd welcome...
...the sound of a human voice again,
eh, my dear?
Do you know...
...what I consider the greatest sin
in the world, my dear?
And that's what you're guilty of...
We took you in, we cherished you. If
we hadn't, you'd have died of hunger.
How do you repay us?
You run away...
...you cry out for the police, you
cause us great anxiety and expense.
There was a lad once, just like you,
and I was a father to him.
He ran away, like you.
He indeed went to the police.
And can you guess
how he ended up?
They hanged him...
...at the Old Bailey.
Certain evidence was made available,
not all of it precisely true...
...but all of it necessary to provide
for my own safety...
...and that of my friends.
Yeah. Poor boy.