This is powder.
That here's a bullet.
And this is a little bit
of an old hat...
...for wadding.
- Now it's loaded.
- Yes, I can see it is, sir.
If you speak a word
when you're out of doors with me...
...unless I speak to you...
...this loading will go in your head
without notice.
So if you do make up your mind
to speak without leave...
...says your prayers first.
The short and long of what you mean
is that if you're crossed by him...
...you'll prevent him
from telling tales after...
...by shooting him through the head.
And you'll take your chance
of swinging for it.
That's it. Women always put things
in the fewest words.
Supper, Nancy.
And then a snooze afore starting.
My pal Bill.
The door's open, come in.
Don't make such a row.
Show us a glim, Toby.
Barney, a glim.
Show the gentleman in.
Wake up first, if convenient.