Well, well.
How are you, Fagey?
Scarce. Scarce!
Where's Bill?
- He's... He's bleeding.
- What happened?
All in good time.
I can't talk business
till I've ate and drank.
Nancy, I said, scarce. Scarce!
Where's Bill?
Well, produce the sustenance,
if you please.
Nancy, scarce!
- The crack failed.
- I smelt that.
For the last time of asking,
where's Bill?
Put him to bed,
give him a nip of gin.
The boy was about to blow on us,
- He was seen.
- Seen?
He was seen? Who saw him?
Two old ones.
He shouted out.
Bill lost his head,
fired his pistol...
- And hit the boy?
- I don't know. There was two shots.
Only one was Bill's.
We made a run for it.
I had ahold of the boy, and Bill fell.
Fell? Was he hurt?
No. Last seen, he was swimming
to London.
I told you not to bring a soul here.
Now you've brought the devil.
You said to fetch him.