Oliver Twist

Outside of London somewhere.
I'll find a river and I'll drown him.

The boy's weak.
Bill, he was wounded.

He can hardly stand, let alone walk.
When he can walk, tell me.
I'll fetch him.

Now, get out of here.
Bill, you're right.
It's for the best.
I'm burning up.
Give me me physic.
Where's me physic?

You look like a corpse
come back to life again.

- What's the matter?
- Nothing.

What do you look at me so hard for?
- What you thinking of?
- Of many things, Bill.

- What odds in that?
- I'll tell you what it is.

If you haven't caught the fever...
...then there's something
more than usual in the wind.

And something dangerous too.
Give me me physic, I say.
No, no, no.
There ain't a stauncher-hearted
girl going...

...or I'd have cut her throat
three months ago.

She's got a fever coming on.
That's it.

Here. Make you feel better.
Sit aside me.
Put on your own face, or I'll alter it
so you won't know it again.
