- For I'm in the humor to.
- Does me good to hear you.
You're like yourself tonight, Bill.
Quite like yourself.
I don't feel like myself when you lay
that withered claw on my shoulder...
...so take it away.
Hello, Nance.
Where's the girl going to
this time of night?
- Not far.
- What answer's that?
- Where you going?
- I say, not far.
- And I say, where?
- I don't know where.
Then I do, nowhere. Sit down.
- I'm not well. I want a breath of air.
- Put your head out the window.
There's not enough there.
I want it in the street.
Then you won't have it.
There. Now, stop quietly
where you are, will you?
Do you know what you're doing?
Do I know what I'm..?
I think this girl's lost her senses.
You talking to me in that way?
You'll drive me on
to something desperate.
Now, let me go, will you?
This minute, this instant.
- No!
- Tell him to let me go, Fagin.
It'll be better for him.
Do you hear me?
Aye, I hear you.
And if I have to listen to you
for half a minute longer...
...the dog will tear some
of that screaming voice out!
What's come over you, you jade?
What is it?
Bill, let me go.
Let me go.
You don't know what you're doing.
For only one hour.
Cut my limbs off one by one if I don't
think the girl's stark raving mad.
- Get up. Get up!
- No.