Oliver Twist

Smoke sends a boy to sleep,
and thats what he wants

Rapazes são muito
preguiçosos, cavalheiros,

But theres nothing like a good hot
blaze to make them come out in a run

É humano também, sim.
Because even if theyve
stuck in the chimney

roasting their feet makes them
struggle to extricate theirselves

I suppose hes fond of
chimney sweeping?

He dotes on it, Your Worship
Very well I will sign the indentures
to make him Mr
Mr Gamfields apprentice
My boy
My boy, you look pale and alarmed
Whats the matter?
Please, sir Please, sir
What is it, my boy?
-Now then

Dont Dont
Go on , my boy Dont what?
Please dont send me away
with this dreadful man , sir

Of all the designing orphans
that lve ever seen

-Hold your tongue, beadle
-Did Your Worship speak to me?

Yes, hold your tongue
No No, out of the question
We refuse to sanction
these indentures

Take the boy away
And treat him kindly
He seems to want it
lve just taken the measure of
the two women that died last night

Youll make your fortune,
Mr Sowerberry
