I hope youve been at work
this morning , my dears
-As nails
Good boys
Good boys
-What you got, Dodger?
-Couple of pocketbooks
-Pretty well
I dont know, Dodge
not as heavy as they might be
but very neat
and nicely made
lngenious workman ,
aint he, Oliver?
lndeed , sir
And , Charley, what have you got,
my dear?
Theyre very good ones
You havent marked them well
The marks should be picked out
with a needle And well--
Well teach Oliver how to do it
-Shall us, Oliver?
-If you please, sir
Youd like to make handkerchiefs as
easy as Charley Bates, wouldnt you?
Very much indeed ,
if youll teach me, sir
lve never met anyone so green
Now then , boys
the game
Well show Oliver
how to make
pocket handkerchiefs
Youd like to play a game,
wouldnt you?