On a Clear Day

Tell you what. l"ve changed my mind.
l fancy a curry.
See you Tuesday.
Just a bag of chips, please, Chan.
I heard about your Dad. I'm er...sorry.
OK, Chan?
Frank, all right?
Good book?
lt"s for my wife. lt"s about cooking.
What are you looking for?
l don"t know.
But whatever it is, it"s not in here.
JOAN: He doesn't know
what to do with himseIf any more.

More than l can say for you, driving a bus.
Have you told him?

No. Don"t want to give him
anything else to worry about.

He"s going to find out sooner or later.
He"s shut me out again, Michelle.
Like when Stuart...

lt won"t last long.
Are things better with him and Rob?

Not really.
- Good evening.
- Hiya.

- Bag of chips, please.
- OK.

- ls your Dad around?
- No.

SaIt and vinegar?
