DANNY: How far is it to France?
EDDlE: We"re in France, you dipstick.
DANNY: l know we"re in France
but how far is it from Britain?
NORMAN: 20 miIes,
give or take the odd oiI tanker.
DANNY: 20 miIes, eh?
How do they measure that?
MlCHELLE: They look very small from here.
They are very small. lt"s just
us women like to shrink when we get near them.
You can"t just swim across
one of the busiest shipping routes in the world.
Who do you show your passport to?
Punch and Judy?
- The deckchair man.
- l was a deckchair man for a day.
- Only a day?
- lt wasn"t what l was expecting.
MlCHELLE: Did you teII him yet?
JOAN: No. God, no.
l will.
He won"t like it.
He"ll think it"s to do with him losing his job.
MlCHELLE: And he"ll like it even less
when he finds out the truth.
That it"s got absolutely nothing
to do with him at all.
Sorry to pull you back to the yard like this,
Frank. lt"s a small little matter.
l just need to prove something.
l know you must be busy.
So, you know these guys, Frank?
- So...
- l"ve told you...l didn"t see anything.
He must have been desperate.
He"s going to get nothing.
He used the wrong hand.
He"s right-handed.
He crossed hands...
to operate the press.