On a Clear Day

l need to go and get changed.
So what if you swam the CIyde?
It doesn't prove anything.

The Channel"s a completely different thing.
- Do you think you could, then, Frank?
- l know l could.

EDDlE: Look...you got made redundant.
You should just face up to it like everyone else.
Face up to it?
Like you did, Eddie?
- That"s a lot of reading.
- lt"s a lot of swimming.

- You think l"m wasting my time?
- A gem cannot be polished without friction,

nor a man perfected without trials.
- ls that a yes or a no?
- When do we start?

Hey, hey, hey.
What have we forgotten?

What"s this?
You know we"re not allowed. ln you go.
