l promised Michelle l"d fix this for her.
l just wanted to see what was inside.
Now it doesn"t seem to want to go back together.
Things aren"t meant to be fixed nowadays.
Not by you, anyway.
How's work?
What was it Sausage Finger said today?
Something funny.
No, l can"t remember.
lt was funny anyway, whatever it was.
The thing that he said. lt was funny.
l"m going to swim it, Ed.
l know you are.
- Oh, my, that"s a lot of reading.
- lt"s a lot of swimming.
Probably mentions sharks.
Does it mention sharks, Frank?
EDDlE: There's no sharks in the ChanneI.
- This one shark,
they opened it up
and found a telly and a box of condoms.
- They did not.
- And don"t tell me the telly was still on?
Look, it"s important they take this seriously
or you may as well not bother.
- Bloody hell.
- Bugger me.
Are you coming or are you going?
- Sorry, Frank.
- Sorry, Frank.
- There is the training schedule.
- l don"t mean to be rude, Chan...
- Things to do to set the swim up.
- ..but l didn"t think you could speak English.