You looking for a boat?
- We might be.
- Either you are or you"re not.
We are.
- So it"s you that"s going to be swimming?
- Mm-hm.
lf you can"t beat me,
you ain"t the man to do the swim.
And l ain"t the man to take you.
l take it you"re Mad Bob?
We go on three.
BOB: 850 the crossing. 200 deposit.
No refunds.
But we get to see your boat?
What for?
We get to see the boat.
Righty-ho, you get to see the boat.
Fell off my bike. Two-wheeler.
FRANK: Let"s go.
BOB: There she is.
ls this yours?
FRANK: It's aII right.
lt"s good.
Yeah, very nice.
CHAN: There you go, fellas.
FRANK: What date is it?
EDDlE: 22nd June.
CHAN: Aye, it"s the 22nd.
NORMAN: Hang on. ls that a two or a five?
- You sure?
Yeah, it"s the 22nd.
ROB: One...two...three!