Commencement, conflict,
transformation, and so on.
What's relevant is what is
said, not how it's said.
Tell me about Tolstoy's world.
He discusses one -
where people peddle
their own private hells.
Person A shoves it onto B -
who cannot help but pass
it onto C. And so on
Essays back next week please.
And don't download
them from the net.
This is our new EDP teacher.
- Antti Arhama, physics and EDP.
Pertti Smolander. Literature
studies ïï though not very literate.
I'll be back shortly. Pertti,
can I see you for a moment?
You're talked of
as our most popular, -
possibly our best teacher.
I wouldn't know about that.
But we have
a problem which means -
we are going
to have to let you go.
Our main focus
on EDP and math -
means we don't need
so many Lit. teachers.