Paha maa

Two, three, four...
There you go! - Were
you trying to screw me?

Happy New Year!
- Same to you.

You fucking stupid bitch!
Are you blind?

You'd let them pa y
you in toilet paper!

How can you tell? It looks
real! - No hologram!

What-gram? - Holo! Hologram!
They all have one these days!

How should I know?
These euros all look
like funny money to me.

All you do round here is
read the tabloids and booze.

Good morning.
Do you have any old
coins? - Old coins...

Fucking old coins!
It's been looked after.
Barely used.

Just need a bit of cash.
It was an engagement
present, just six months old.

Wide-screen, 28".
Five hundred.
A thousand.
It's as good as new, y'know.
Still six payments to go.
Five-ten. - OK.
If that's your final offer
