In the name of merciful god.
"If you were hit by calamity
The people have the same thing also"
"and these days alternate it between the..
Mother before I get forget.
..I have seen water filters at mayor.
It's best and cheapens than Kanaze's filter.
Buy it from him next time.
You want to record that?
No! But I forget to say that to my mother
I'm sorry.
It's ok
In the name of merciful god.
We have to continue in our struggle.
Till the occupation get out of here.
Nothing stays for us except our bodies.
To fight by it. This unjust occupation.
- "god we asking from you increasing in faith"
- amen!
- "and benediction in life"
- amen!
- "and healthful in the body"
- amen!
- "affluence in livelihood"
- amen!
- "and repentance before the death"
- amen!
- " testimony at the death"
- amen!
- "and forgiveness after death"
- amen!
- "and condonation at question us"
- amen!
- " god conquer us over our enemies"
- amen!
- " god disperse them"
- amen!...