Have you composed this?
No, it's Tagore's, stupid!
Koel, who's this?
Lolita. Her parents died
in a car accident...
...now she stays with us.
Hey, Koel! There's some fresh
tamarind pickle for you.
Lolita, have some too.
No. I don't eat pickle.
But I wouldn't mind some
mango pickle!
So still is my heart's beat...
...aching to hear the bells of your feet.
My life has lost its melody...
...my songs are mute with defeat.
From dusk until dawn,
your memory rules my mind.
Why does my hand seek yours?
Were you ever mine?
Tell me... tell me... tell me...
The flowers see the bee swing,
like your vision in my mind.
Trees hear the nightingale sigh,
'I long, I yearn, to make you mine'
How much? - Twenty five paise!
I don't want it.
Show me...
Not bad! Why were you
returning it, stupid?
No money!
You need money, right?
Oh, boy! Come.
Here's my pocket money
- take it anytime.
There's no need to ask anyone.
Not even you?
No. Need any now?