Hello! Please send someone
to 56, Bagh Bazaar!
We have no electricity!
Now that was a piece of cake!
Like it? I made it!
Enjoy yourselves...
- Really?
Are you mad? It's from Fluries.
I can't even boil water.
But don't worry, dad has promised
to send 6 cooks with me
when I get married.
Is that ok with you?
Or should we ask for twelve?
One to boil water, one for tea
and one for cake.
Are you serious?
Stop breaking the door.
Here so fast?
Yes! Thought I'd surprise them!
And you are...?
Yes, I'd called for the electrician!
I plugged in the oven and...
poof! It blew!
Are you going to fix
it telepathically?
What happened?
The fuse has blown!
This way!
What's this?
Suitc... I mean the toolbox!
Tools for any contingency!
Here's the fuse box!
Hold this!