Sir, please sing what's been written!
But it's contrary to the meter!
Who's the music director here?
You, sir.
Then please sing!
Chill! He's very senior.
Sir, lets decide what the
stream meets later.
Show your hand!
Already? Where's the confidence?
We're confident, not overconfident!
Come on, show!
OK! So here's my first jack! Now you.
Hey, I asked for the show of hand.
I've bared my soul here,
and you can't show me a card?
Here's our second jack!
A pair of jacks? - Now your show.
Just a pair!
They've lost! Color! Fluries! Fluries!
One minute.
You don't know my third card yet.
Here's my third jack!
Which means - Moulin Rouge!
You weren't bluffing?
I never bluff!
Just plain lucky!
The recording date won't come
to her in her dream?
Aren't you the arranger?
For music, not meetings!
You should've spoken to her...
If I've to say everything, then I will.
Right... Pack up, please!
If I have to do all the talking,
then hear this...
Sir, pack up!
But why?
Why didn't you tell Uncle if you
didn't want to see the girl?
Because he would've dug a hole
right then, and buried me!
How is Gayatri though?
Why? Interested?