Don't worry daughter.
Please don't cry.
Have some faith in Navin Rai.
Hello, uncle! Hello, aunty!
Hello, Sunita!
Have a sweet! Charu's engaged!
Is it?
Why the long face?
You've to make
the arrangements, right?
Come on, we have to
select saris for the wedding.
When is it?
After the festival... on the 19th.
So soon?
I know. But the priest says
it's a very auspicious day.
Just need to exchange garlands...
You can't call that a wedding?
Exactly. It's such an auspicious day
that, that's all you need.
No, our Charu will go
amid a lot of fanfare!
Let's go!
No, I have to go to Shekhar's.
I've just come from there...
he's out. Go later.
Go, it'll brighten your mood!
Guess what... yesterday Girish
was to come...
...shopping with me
...He didn't come with me...
and he never listens to me.
One second... - Yes!
Is Shekhar back? - Not yet.
Please let me know once he does.
Enter only if you're in peace.
Has the fuse blown again?
Let me show you the sari
I've picked out...
Here comes the ghost. I'm off.
There's a wedding to organize
and you're sitting
with the planchette.
Please sit, sis.
Ask something, sis.
The spirit's here already?
Ask something, sis? Come on...
I've asked.
And here's your answer...
P- R-O-B-L-E-M-S-O-L-V-E-D
Sis, consider your problem solved.
What's the problem?