Our problems have disappeared.
Though Navin Rai is a gentleman...
Even so... a debt should be
repaid as fast as possible.
You're right, son!
I'll keep this inside.
Oh, no! No tears now.
Let's celebrate. Get dressed now!
Girish, haven't you told her?
Yeah, it's a double celebration
at Trinca's...
For Charu's wedding and...
do you have a headache today?
Come on get dressed now.
And sis, wear my heels if you like.
I'm fine in these flats!
I'm not going to fall!
Hurry up.
How will we all fit?
In a big heart.
Come on.
And Keol, try not to
mess up my shirt today.
What is this riddle called life?
Can you block it, can you
stop that which flows?