Every breath I draw for you...
...for you flutters my heart.
My life itself you win from me,
I lose, and I lose joyously.
When you touch me...
my body and heart feel adorned.
I became a married woman.
My heart sways gently,
ever so slow...
...but why it sways,
I do not know.
Repeat after me...
Where were you, sis?
Right here... inside!
She looks so pretty.
Bring the warm bread, quick.
May I serve you some?
Isn't Shekhar looking handsome today?
Girish, don't serve it cold!
Get some warm bread, man!
They know each other?
- No idea.
Cold bread is no bread!
This isn't your English bread, brother!
So what took you so long
to get here o' patriot?