I was at another wedding.
Should've told them it was
as important to come here.
But that wedding was
not possible without me.
Girish, let me serve father.
You're looking really dashing today!
Supervise the kitchen you two.
Look at Lolita... she is looking
like a bride today.
Shekhar's train leaves
at seven in the morning.
Make sure his bags are packed.
See you.
Take care of everyone
at home. - I will.
Mother and... yes... Lolita too.
Yes, yes. You take care, son.
I'll put you in jail.
Isn't 150,000 rupees a lot for you?
- Sir?
Don't you think Girish overpaid
for a girl my son
bought with his pocket money?
Sir, please stop.
Oh! I'm not allowed?
So, what is permitted?