We're talking about a harmless little
human interest piece on the local news.
Believe me, they're not looking
for anything remotely controversial.
Otherwise, why would they assign it to me?
Okay, we're done now.
Guess I'll see you in two weeks.
- Excellent.
- Come in.
God damn it, Meyer,
the kids keyed my car again!
- Sorry to interrupt.
- That's all right, we're done.
Miss Klein, this is Roger Nicholl,
a Law and Civics teacher here at Roxbury.
- Hello.
- Hi, there.
She's a dyke.
Symbiotic, that's what our relationship
is going to be like, Randa.
Just like we learned in biology:
The whale,
and the little fish that sticks on it.
If you hang with me,
you'll get a lot of attention from boys...
that you otherwise wouldn't.
Meanwhile, when I'm standing next to you,
I look more attractive by comparison.
- Isn't that great?
- Very nice.
It's a constant struggle for us girls
who don't conform to the Western ideal...
of blonde hair, and blue eyes,
and an hourglass figure.
You know, my best friend Brittany,
whom you'll meet soon, is so lucky.
She's three for three.
Me, I could dye my hair,
but nobody respects a bottle blonde.
I am slim, however,
and my breasts are coming along nicely...
though not as nicely as my friend Brittany's,
whom you'll meet soon.
You're very lucky that I'm doing this for you.
I know you probably have an impression
of American high school girls...
being mean and spiteful...
and it's a reputation that's largely deserved,
believe me.
But I'm not like that at all.
I really try to be a good person.
The same as my best friend Brittany,
whom you'll meet soon.
So here's your first survival tip:
This is Beverly Hills,
so a lot of the kids that go here...
have rich and famous parents,
and it's good to know who's who.
Like, that's Josh Horowitz.