So, rule of thumb:
Any time you have a sentence
consisting of two clauses...
the second being introduced
by a conjunction or by a relative...
And finally, you know, Randa,
no offense or anything...
but my very last choice would be an Arab.
Truth be told,
you're not in a very enviable position.
There's a lot of resentment in this country
towards the Middle East...
a lot of stereotypes floating around,
which I don't really think are true...
because in the short time I've known you,
you haven't tried to bomb anybody...
and you currently smell okay to me.
But people will laugh at you...
and probably make fun of that thing
you wear on your head.
- This is my hijab. I must not remove it.
- I know that.
But people are ignorant.
To give you an example,
there's this joke going around.
- How does an Arab get his wife pregnant?
- I do not know.
She gets naked and lies down on the bed.
He jerks off on the wall,
and they let the flies do the rest.
Don't laugh. It's insulting to your people.
Miss Joyce?
Thank you.
Article or a preposition which pertains
to every member of a series...
must either be used
only before the first term of the series...
or before each and every term.
I had a half-brother named Sean,
who died in "Operation Iraqi Freedom."
He was from my dad's first marriage...
and I'm a product of his second.
He's now in his third.
Anyway, they told my dad
that Sean died from friendly fire...
and he refused to believe them.
He said that Iraqis are the ones
who killed him.
I made the point of saying,
"Why would our own government lie...
"and say he was killed by friendly fire...
"if Iraqis were the ones who killed him?"
- He said I was too young to understand...
- Miss Joyce.
There should be exactly one conversation
going on in this classroom, and that's me...