Pretty Persuasion

Technically, Mr. Anderson,
that's not a conversation.

All right, here's one for you,
I'll see you in detention.

- But I...
- And you, too.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

- Her name's Randa.
- Yes, of course it is.

All right.
Which brings us
to the principal of parallel construction.

Namely, that expressions
that are similar in content and function...

Sorry, Randa.
It's unfortunate that we both have detention
with Mr. Anderson...

but on the other hand,
it's only going to prolong our day together.

- Hey, Arab chick, you wanna buy a gun?
- Get lost you unkempt miscreant!

Stay away from Kenny, the arms dealer.
It's kids like him that give
this great nation of ours a bad name.

You are very wise, Kimberly.
I am most fortunate to have met you.

Randa, that's so sweet. Come on.
You know, Brit, I was watching girls go by
in their convertibles...

I'd say about 75% to 85% of them
were what we call beautiful.

- But you want to know a secret?
- What?

They're ugly on the inside, not like you.
You're special.
Your kind of beauty lasts forever.

- Hi!
- Barry, get off me!

Randa, this is Barry.
Barry's technically my boyfriend,
except I don't like him.

So, Kimberly, Trevor McNeill
has the funniest shit on his locker.

It's this poster with all these reasons
why beer is better than a woman.

One of the reasons was:
