Sometimes I hear them talk and I think,
they're communicating with each other...
in some kind of secret Yid-code
that I'm not privy to. I swear to God.
Eat your moo shoo pork by the way.
It's delicious.
- I don't like this kind.
- It's fucking delicious. Eat it.
Last week's meeting, there's a guy there,
he's coughing, right?
He starts coughing, like a coughing fit.
You know, a fucking, coughing Kike, right?
So I think...
I'm sitting here, I'm looking, I'm thinking...
is he, like,
coughing in fucking Yiddish or something?
Like, listen to this...
Wait till Hank turns his back...
and then stab him with a dreidel!
- Kathy?
- Yes.
Do you fuck dogs?
It's like the fucking Titanic.
We hit an iceberg, fucking ridiculous.
This is interesting. I read about this.
This is a phase. It's called repetition.
It's when they feel the need to repeat things.
Kathy? I got it. Fine.
Kimberly, listen to me. Okay?
I'm going to say something to you.
There is a difference
between bonafide racism...
and just speaking the truth,
which is what I'm doing here.
You understand that, right?
A big difference.
Okay? Because racism, true racism,
stems from ignorance.
It is ignorant.
Now, I don't want to ever catch you
being a racist.
This is not to say you have license
to bring R. Kelly home for dinner, okay?
- Or banging some fucking beaner!
- Hank!
No, I'm just saying that I'm scared...
that she's going to repeat
some of this shit at school.
And I know,
because these teachers, you know, hear it...
these fucking dykes, lesbians,
these feminists at the school system...
with their fucking rectal-ranger buddies,
you know:
"Oh, it's the parents' fault.
It's the upbringing." Right.
As if, what, kids couldn't inherently be
fucking complete assholes on their own?
And, by the way, no swearing.
When you were fucking my dog,
he was going like this...
Kimberly, stop it!
Now you are upsetting Bobo.