- No, way!
- Yes, way.
- You're such a liar. Who?
- Warren.
- Warren Prescott?
- Affirmative.
When? How?
Last year. We were sort of going out.
We were here, kind of getting drunk
on my dad's Captain Morgan...
and he just kind of came right out
and said...
We've been going out for three months now,
and I really love you, and everything.
So I was wondering
if you might let me pack your fudge chute.
At first I thought
he wanted to make sundaes...
but then he elaborated.
He was very polite about it.
He said please three times.
I couldn't really bring myself to say no.
Well, what was it like?
It was okay.
Did it hurt?
Kind of.
But it hurt less with Warren
than it might have with other boys...
- if you catch my drift.
- Kimberly!
- What is your drift?
- Never mind.
But you know what?
A few days later, Warren broke up with me.
He said he doesn't want to go out with a girl
who'd let a guy do that to her.
- Does that make any sense?
- Boys are so weird.
Amen to that.
Wait a minute, I like this one.
- Hi, Stephanie.
- Hi.
Are you here to help me change the oil?
You know, I could never give up men,
because I like cock too much.
But I don't know...
sometimes I just feel like
I need a woman's touch.
I know what you mean.
Why is that woman...
Why is she doing those things
with that other woman?
- Why must they show this?
- 'Cause men like to watch it.
But it is a sin.