- Yes, he is a bad man.
- I know, girls.
So I've been thinking.
I've been thinking that maybe it's about time
we put a stop to him.
Remove all jewelry, watches,
earrings, rings...
and place them in the box.
You know the drill, people.
A metal detector at Roxbury?
Yeah, everybody's freaked out
'cause of what happened over in Bel Air.
They don't want it to happen here, I'm sure.
They figured it out.
Ain't nobody safe,
no matter how rich you are.
Ain't nobody safe.
Are you sure about this, Kimberly?
I'm scared.
Don't be. We're doing the right thing.
They're going to try and discredit us,
and turn us against each other...
but we have to stand firm, okay?
We have to stick together, no matter what.
Then we'll watch him burn.
- Okay.
- Let's do it.
Behind me lies one of L.A. County's
most exclusive private schools.
Roxbury Academy in Beverly Hills.
A safe haven for the children
of the rich and the privileged.
A place where they can study
in peace and harmony...
free from the troubles that plague
many of the region's public schools...
until today.
Because, today, this hallowed institution...
was rocked on its very foundations
with allegations of sexual assault.
The accused, Percy Anderson...
an English and Drama teacher...
and new addition this year
to Roxbury's distinguished faculty.
The alleged victims...
three 15-year-old sophomore girls...
all of whom have waived their right
to anonymity.
Their names are, Kimberly Joyce,
Brittany Wells, and Randa Azzouni.
I will continue to bring you more
of the details...
of this stunning story as it unfolds.