Her red nails were running through
his chest hair like fire through a forest.
That's actually kind of poetic.
I've said what I've had to say here.
I just do wish you would've told me before
you went and started this thing because...
I'm sure it will be fine,
because these things never go to trial.
And so day one of the Roxbury
sexual assault trial is set to begin.
Stay tuned to Team 33 News
for more updates, throughout the day.
I'm Emily Klein.
Okay, cut.
- This is huge.
- Fucking huge.
Can you believe this all started out
as a wimpy little special-interest feature?
They give me fluff, and I turn it into dirt.
- You know what that is?
- It's hot. It's fucking hot.
No, it's talent. Here, wait here.
Kimberly. Hi. Off the record...
I just want to say
that I really admire your courage.
Thank you, Emily.
I'm doing this
because I feel like I have a responsibility.
Not just to myself but to all the other girls
all around the world...
- who have been subjected to harassment.
- Yes.
Or, God forbid, outright assault
at the hands of teachers...
and who are too scared
or ashamed to come forth.
I'm fighting a battle
inside these walls, Emily...
but I'm also fighting a war.
You have such passion and conviction.
You kind of remind me of myself
when I was your age.
I only wish I'd had half your self-assurance.
Thank you, Emily.
And, off the record...
I could never give up men.
I like cock too much.