Pride & Prejudice

- The person with the quizzical brow?
- That is his good friend, Mr Darcy.

- He looks miserable, poor soul.
- He may be, but poor he is not.

Tell me.
10,000 a year,
and he owns half of Derbyshire.

The miserable half.
Mr Bennet, you must introduce him
to the girls immediately.

Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile.
Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know.
Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet,
Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet.

It is a pleasure. I have two others,
but they're already dancing.

I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.
And may I introduce Mr Darcy
of Pemberley in Derbyshire.

How do you like it
here in Hertfordshire?

Very much.
The library at Netherfield,
I've heard, is one of the finest.

It fills me with guilt. I'm not a good
reader. I prefer being out of doors.

Oh, I mean, I can read, of course.
