My goodness, did you
see her hem? Six inches deep in mud.
She looked positively mediaeval.
I feel such a terrible imposition.
They're being so kind to me.
I don't know who is more pleased at your
being here, Mama or Mr Bingley.
Thank you for tending
to my sister so diligently.
She's in far better comfort
than at home.
It's a pleasure.
I mean, it's not a pleasure
that she's ill. Of course not.
It's a pleasure that she's here,
being ill.
Not going to be famous, our pig.
Black on the back, but not related
to the learned pig of Norwich.
- Now that pig is...
- Mr Bennet.
It's all going to plan.
He's half in love with her already.
- Who is, blossom?
- Mr Bingley.
He doesn't mind
that she hasn't a penny.
He has more than enough
for the two of them.
- How will we meet them?
- Easy!
Wait for me!
You drop something. They
pick it up. And then you're introduced.
You write uncommonly fast, Mr Darcy.
You're mistaken. I write slowly.
How many letters you must have occasion
to write, Mr Darcy.