Pride & Prejudice

My sister, Miss Georgiana.
My brother has told me
so much about you,

- I feel as if we are friends already.
- Thank you.

- What a beautiful pianoforte.
- My brother gave it to me.

- He shouldn't have.
- I should have.

- Very well then.
- Easily persuaded, is she not?

He once had to put up with my playing.
- He says you play so well.
- Then he has perjured himself.

- I said "quite well".
- "Quite well" is not "very well".

I'm satisfied.
- Mr Gardiner, are you fond of fishing?
- Very much.

Would you accompany me
to the lake this afternoon?

Its occupants have been left
in peace too long.

- I would be delighted.
- Do you play duets, Miss Elizabeth?

- Only when forced.
- Brother, you must force her.

Splendid fishing, good
company. What a capital fellow.

Thank you so much, Mr Darcy.
A letter for you, madam.
Oh, it's from Jane.
It is the most dreadful news.
Lydia has run away...
...with Mr Wickham.
They are gone to Lord knows where.
She has no money, no connections.
I fear she is lost forever.

This is my fault.
If only I had exposed Wickham
when I should.
